
Sullivan Letters from President Roosevelt #1






February 1,1943

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan:

The knowledge that your five gallant sons are missing in action against the enemy inspires me to write you this personal message. I realize full well theres is little I can say to assuage your grief.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, I want you to know that the entire nation shares in your sorrow. I offer you the gratitude of our country. We who remain to carry on the fight will maintain a courageous spirit, in the knowledge that such sacrifice is not in vain.

The Navy Department has informed me of the expressed desire of your sons, George Thomas, Francis Henry, Joseph Eugene, Madison Abel, and Albert Leo, to serve in the same ship. I am sure that we all take heart in the knowledge that they fought side by side. As one of your sons wrote, "We will make a team together that can't be beat." It is this spirit which in the end must thriumph.

I send you the deepest sympathy in your hour of trial and pray that in Almighty God you will find the comfort and help that only he can bring.


Very Sincerely yours,





Mrs. Thomas F. Sullivan,
98 Adams Street,
Waterloo, Iowa